Monday, May 18, 2009

Drawing the shirt

This is kieran. He drew something that was inspired by the tshirt. I managed to capture him in the process. As you can see we had a ball. And Kieran hasn't even met the shirt in real life. Oh la la.

The commencement of the drawing

the pen goes to the paper

And finally, the finished tshirt image. It didn't take too long, mostly because we were tired. But it was fun, fun fun all round. Go the tshirt!

Enlightment and the shirt

The Shirt made a new friend in James on Sunday. James decided to get spiritual with it and introduce it to the world of Buddhist enlightenment. Here's what he sent us:

Being a collective project I thought it best to introduce your shirt to the nature of collective and universal consciousness that Buddhism offers. Buddha was being celebrated in Federation Square and so the shirt and i went to visit, soak up some of the atmosphere and further develop our souls.
Your shirt is now able to practice active detachment from worldly concerns and is free from the trappings of material possession.
We had an immensely enlightening time together.

Friday, May 15, 2009


PARENTAL ADVISORY: Following video contains mild horrific themes

The tshirt has made another friend, Jamie. Jamie's love of horror films has transferred from the big screen to our humble blog. She's created a video featuring our beloved shirt... it pretty much speaks for itself, please enjoy.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Anthony has picked up on Myles' idea of not needing the shirt to be able to have fun with it. He's sent us a couple of completely generic postcards featuring the shirt in completely generic situations.

A cute take on the free postcard movement that has recently struck Melbourne. Anthony has assured us that he's kept them purposely devoid of specifics so anyone can print these off and use them.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

The shirt spent a night with Alice and Liam and as a result came out with a funky new addition. Here's what they sent us:

So we were lucky enough to spend an evening with the shirt, and unlike some other posts (not naming anyone particularly); we chose not to sleep with it. Instead we decided to get creative and sew on cool new pocket, both practical and fashionable ha. We had an absolute blast and i hope you enjoy checking out our evening.

Always time for a cheeky pose, prior to getting your sew on.

Alice getting her sew on.

Pinning the corners

Getting it positioned just right.

Finishing touches.

Finished product modeled by a very charming man.

Happy family.

And we're done. Fashionable and functional.

Pretty nifty little post here, remember don't be afraid to 'get your craft on' boys and girls.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Where is my shirt...

Myles couldn't have the shirt, not because the shirt doesn't like him but just because the shirt's been off having so many amazing adventures. Unfortunately the shirt cannot be everywhere at once, but this gorgeous video is a great example of what the absence of the shirt can inspire.

He has ensured us that this video is a reflection of the loneliness and sorrow that he felt in the shirts absence.

Thank you Myles, the shirt most definitely considers you a friend.

Food for thought! Remember you don't have to have the shirt to send us your story. Hit us up at

Saturday, May 9, 2009

My Trip Away

And then I fell in love with Adelaide of all places.

Went away for the weekend - went with my beau to visit his sister in the city of churches (a bit of a generalisation as I didn't see very many). My god did I have a great time! I took the shirt with me for some sexy fun time while we were over there - its lucky I swear! The colour followed me around the whole time:

The hotel was white.

The bed was white.

I was white and feeling invincible!

But a reality check soon hit...

My Trip Away Pt. 2

Toddlers don't like me!!! My beau's nephew is adorable - you say "kissy kissy" to him and he comes straight over, puts his head forward for a kiss and once you give him one he scampers off. But try to play with him? ANGER! He just wasn't happy with me.

Even the kid on the TV was crying!!

I ended up playing by myself like a sad person, but still had an unusually good time with the Little People play set...

The rejection was shattering. I narrowed it down to being the shirts fault, and not me being a stranger to him at the time.
The next day we took him to the Beachouse in Glenelg. What a friggin' tourist.

He was happy once he was fed. So was I.

Total highlight of the trip. Would've been the merry-go-round... but I was too big. Or so my beau thought.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Public Service Announcement #1

We're starting to get some really nice submissions from the tshirt's friends, we wanted to take some time to make our first and we promise our only public service announcement.

We wanted to offer some friendly advice on hygiene, general maintenance and cleanliness...cleanliness of course being next to godliness. Here's a video to show a simple way to ensure all the tshirt's friends enjoy their time without fear of the dreaded swine flu; we mean that in the friendliest of ways of course.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Byron, Blues and Shirt

Wow the T-shirt really has been lucky to make a friend in young miss Elise. She has taken the shirt with her to Byron Bay for the Blues and Roots Festival. We would say more about the clip but its a cracker and well worth checking out for yourself.

One Night Stand !?!?

The tshirt has a new friend, Hannah. She sent us:

I have been fortunate enough to score the T-shirt for one night only. So what am I going to do with it? Sleep with it. That’s what.

Now now, before you slag me off for being some sort of brazen hussy that gives it up on the first date let me just explain myself. I was looking through an old copy of Oyster magazine the other day and I came across a really playful photoshoot with the title ‘When You’re Not Here I Sleep In Your T-shirt.’ I’ve always loved that idea, it’s so intimate. There is so much love in such a simple action, even if you’re the only one to witness it. YOU were the ones to show this t-shirt the time of its life… this just happened to be the first thing to spring to mind! As I mentioned earlier this will not be an act of seduction. We hung out, ate some chocolate, had a cup of tea, watched a movie, and snuggled all night long.
checking if the t-shirt is user friendly, oh yes it is!

Thought we would start off with some Grey's Anatomy, always good for a night in.

On to girly behaviour, lot's of gossiping ensued... obviously nothing can be repeated, but BOY does this t-shirt get around!

making wishlists out of magazines, which made me both happy and sad due to my financial state.

easily the best part of the night,; a cup of tea and the biggest toblerone you have ever seen in your life! the Easter bunny is rad!

too much chocolate, too many cavaties... time to get ready for bed.


Well I had some very sweet dreams in the t-shirt so thanks very much for letting it stay over at my place for a night!