Saturday, May 2, 2009

One Night Stand !?!?

The tshirt has a new friend, Hannah. She sent us:

I have been fortunate enough to score the T-shirt for one night only. So what am I going to do with it? Sleep with it. That’s what.

Now now, before you slag me off for being some sort of brazen hussy that gives it up on the first date let me just explain myself. I was looking through an old copy of Oyster magazine the other day and I came across a really playful photoshoot with the title ‘When You’re Not Here I Sleep In Your T-shirt.’ I’ve always loved that idea, it’s so intimate. There is so much love in such a simple action, even if you’re the only one to witness it. YOU were the ones to show this t-shirt the time of its life… this just happened to be the first thing to spring to mind! As I mentioned earlier this will not be an act of seduction. We hung out, ate some chocolate, had a cup of tea, watched a movie, and snuggled all night long.
checking if the t-shirt is user friendly, oh yes it is!

Thought we would start off with some Grey's Anatomy, always good for a night in.

On to girly behaviour, lot's of gossiping ensued... obviously nothing can be repeated, but BOY does this t-shirt get around!

making wishlists out of magazines, which made me both happy and sad due to my financial state.

easily the best part of the night,; a cup of tea and the biggest toblerone you have ever seen in your life! the Easter bunny is rad!

too much chocolate, too many cavaties... time to get ready for bed.


Well I had some very sweet dreams in the t-shirt so thanks very much for letting it stay over at my place for a night!

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